Argan Oil You need to know what employee needs, interests, and expectations are. You can survey employees, use focus groups, or laser focused corridor conversations to obtain employee input.
Remember that wellness is about more than employee health. Be sure to inquire about all the dimensions of wellness and not just physical health.
Reason #4: You Are Overlooking Volunteers
As a resource for your program, use Argan Oil volunteers to supplement staff resources. While employees may not be interested in making a long-term volunteer commitment such as serving on the wellness committee or as a wellness champion, many may be willing to volunteer for a one-time event, activity or task. When asking someone to volunteer, have a specific task in mind for them to complete. Be sure to fully explain it to them. Many small activities or initiatives can be completely led by volunteers, freeing up staff time for bigger projects or initiatives.
Reason #5: You Don't Know What Is Working
Far too many worksite wellness programs today do not monitor, measure, or evaluate what they do. How can you continually improve your program if you don't know what is working and what is not? You can also better manage what you measure.
Addressing these five reasons will go a long way towards elevating what you offer and evolving your program over time to a great program.
There are multiple determinants to health. And you do want to address as many as you can through your work site wellness program, correct?
Essentially, in the workplace setting, employee health is determined as a function of individual practices, organizational practices and the greater community in which the organization resides. In order to approach employee health holistically then, the workplace wellness program must address these three levels.
Individual Health Determinants
Researchers estimate that the individual determinants of health account for up to an estimated 40% of how healthy an individual is. At the individual level, biology, genetics, age and gender all impact individual health. Researchers estimate that these physiological determinants of health account for approximately 10% of how healthy an individual is.
Argan Oil Review Researchers have also found that an individual's experiences in childhood impact how healthy they are in adulthood. Experiencing trauma in childhood adversely influences how healthy they are in adulthood.
Individual lifestyle factors, personal health practices and coping skills also play a significant role in how healthy an individual is. Researchers estimate that these could account for up to 40% of how healthy an individual is.>>>